
Heredity And Evolution | Class 10 | CBSE | Worksheet | Notes | Science |


Effective Time Management Tips | Class 10 |

Organize: We plan our day-to-day activities. We make a time-table that we follow. Prioritize: We make a to-do list all our activities and we rank them in the order of importance. Control: We have control over our activities and time. We avoid time wasters like chatting on phone, and focus on more important things. Track: We identify and note where we have spent our time. This will help us analyze if we have used our time effectively or not. It also helps us to identify time-wasting activities.

Science | Assertion-Reason Questions | Class 10 | CBSE | Worksheet |


Reactivity Series | Science | Notes | CBSE | Class 10 |

K - Kedar – Potassium             (MOST REACTIVE) Na - Nath – Sodium                                       B - Bagh – Boron                                            Ca - Ka - Calcium Mg – Mali - Magnesium Al - Aloo -  Aluminium Zn - Zara - Zinc Fe - Feeke - Iron Sn - Se - Tin Pb - Pakata - Lead H - Hai - Hydrogen Cu - Kuch - Copper Hg - Hing – Mercury Ag – Agar – Silver Au – Aur – Gold Pt – Padti to maza aa jata – Platinum                                                        (LEAST REACTIVE) Here is an easy way to remember the reactivity series on tips.

Sample Paper | Class 10 | Science | CBSE |
